Mayor and Council Members:
Nomination Papers for Mayor & Common Council
Noncandidacy: Mayor, Ward 4, Ward 2
The Mayor is elected at large for a two-year term. He/she presides at meetings of the Council and certifies the passage of all ordinances and resolutions passed by it. The Mayor votes in the case of a tie vote and has the power to veto ordinances and resolutions passed by the Council.
Please note: The Mayor is not a full-time position and does not maintain office hours at City Hall.
Mayor Joel Bruessel
Mayor Bruessel was elected as Mayor in 2021 & 2023. The current term ends April 2025.
Phone: 920-361-5403
Mobile: 920-639-4968

Berlin City Common Council
The following Ward Maps are not perfect and are of estimated areas. If you would like to know for certain which ward your address falls in, please check and search by address.
The common council is comprised of six members who are elected, by Ward, for alternating two-year terms, even numbered wards elected in odd number years and odd number wards in even number years.
The Common Council is the legislative branch of city government. The primary business of the common council is the passage of laws in the form of ordinances or resolutions which shall prescribe what the law shall be, not only in relation to the particular facts existing at the time, but as to all future cases arising under it. The common council shall fix the salaries of all officers and employees of the city, and be charged with the official management of the city’s financial affairs, budget and revenues, and the raising of funds necessary for the operation of the city as set forth in section 2-47 of the municipal ordinances.
Please note: The City’s elected officials are not full-time positions and they do not maintain office hours at City Hall. They will also never ask you to purchase Gift Cards or Scratch-offs on behalf of the City.

Council Member Terry Przybyl, Alderperson Ward 1 and Ward 7
Alderperson Przybyl was appointed by City Council to fill a vacancy in the 1st and 7th Wards on October 8, 2024. Her current terms ends April 2025.
Phone: 920-290-1232

Council Member Emmett Durtschi, Alderperson Ward 2
Alderperson Durtschi was elected to a two-year term by Berlin voters in 2023. His current term ends April 2025.
Phone: 608-206-9034

Council Member Kristina Boeck, Alderperson Ward 3
Alderperson Boeck was elected to a two-year term by Berlin voters in April 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2024. Her current term ends April 2026.
Phone: 920-290-5833

Council Member Samantha Stobbe, Alderperson Ward 4
Alderperson Stobbe was elected to fill a special one-year term by Berlin voters in 2022 and re-elected for a two-year term in 2023. Her current term ends in April 2025.
Phone: 920-229-6258

Council Member Joshua Nigbor, Alderperson Ward 5
Alderperson Nigbor was appointed by City Council to fill a vacancy in the 5th Ward on January 29, 2019 and elected to a two-year term by Berlin voters in April 2020, 2022 and 2024. His current term ends April 2026.
Phone: 920-229-6012

Council Member Catrina Burgess, Alderperson Ward 6 & Council President
Alderperson Burgess was elected to a two-year term by Berlin voters in April 2021 and 2023. Her current term expires April 2025.
Phone: 920-229-9860

The Common Council generally meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m., and the Committee of the Whole meets the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers on the second floor at City Hall, located at 108 N. Capron St. Special meetings are also held when required. Contact the City Clerk for a specific meeting schedule at 920-361-5400.
All meetings are open to the public, although on occasion the Council may meet in closed session to discuss a subject permitted by the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law to be held in closed session (such as negotiations, personnel evaluations, property purchases or other strategic matters).
Public notice is given of all meetings, including closed sessions, stating the date, time, location and topics to be considered. All meeting notices are posted on the bulletin board located on the first floor of City Hall. The full agenda packet with copies of ordinances, resolutions, reports and other supporting documentation is available for public review at the City Clerk’s office prior to each meeting. Public participation is encouraged and can be done through the Public Participation Policy where a member of the public can register to speak on an issue by submitting a Public Participation Registration Form to the Mayor or City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting.