Request for Proposal

Request for Proposal

Comprehensive Plan

The City of Berlin is seeking a consultant to update the Smart Growth- Comprehensive Plan to include updates to make
the long-range plan relevant for the next 20 years. The City’s existing Plans; including the current Comprehensive Plan,
Housing and Economic Development Strategy, Market Studies, Open Space and Recreation, Current TID Plans
(15,16,17), Downtown Development Plan, Hotel Feasibility Studies, etc. shall serve as a starting point. This project is
being initiated upon the recent adoption of the 2023 Housing and Economic Development Strategy. The consultant will
work with the City Administrator, Planning & Development Director, Plan Commission and ultimately Common Council
to review the existing code and built environment, facilitate public engagement, and draft the proposed update for
consideration by the Common Council.

See the Project Scope included within the RFP below for complete details.

Comprehensive Plan RFP

Start Date: 3/12/2025

End Date: 4/21/2025