Senior Center

Berlin Senior Citizen Center

Mission Statement

To actively involve, enlighten, enrich, and empower the independence of older adults in our community.

Contact Information

142 Water Street
Berlin, WI 54923
(Just off of North Capron Street)

Senior/Rec. Programming Coordinator: Rebecca Bays
Senior/Recreation Programming Assistant: Jill Dittmann
Head Cook: Deb Mirr
Chauffeurs and Meal Delivery: Cindy, Diana, Sheri

Office E-mail:
Phone: 920.361.5422
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30am to 4:00pm



Paul Hanan-Chairman and Secretary

Jim Jodarski-Vice Chair

Mary Hess

Richard Trochinski

Keith Hess

Susan Jungenberg

The City of Berlin is looking for a citizen to fill the open seat on the Committee on Aging. If you are interested and would like more information, please contact the office at 361-5422.  Meetings are held at the Senior Center the 4th Tuesday of each month at 10:00am.  They are open to the public and handicap accessible.  Current and previous agendas and minutes can be found here

Coach Trips

Our Day Trips are available to any one age 21 and up!

Full payment is required at the time of reservation to guarantee your seat. Trips have limited seating and are filled on a first-come basis.  Payment can be made with cash or check.

Please call 920-361-5422 for more information or see the flyers below.

West Side Story at the Fireside March 21st

Brewers Game April 2nd-PRICE REDUCED TO $135

The Little Mermaid at the Fireside August 15th

Packers Stadium Tour September 18th 

Oklahoma! at the Fireside October 3rd

We understand that plans can change and you may not be able to attend a trip for which you have registered. However, refunds can only be issued if you find someone or we can register someone from our waiting list to take your place.

Educational Opportunities

The Berlin Senior Center sponsors question and answer sessions with speakers on a variety of topics. Below is a sample of past guest speaker topics:

  • Update on Social Security
  • Insurance Coverage
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Healthcare for the Eyes
  • State & Local Politicians
  • Nutrition
  • Arthritis

If you have interest in a particular topic or know of a professional willing to be a guest speaker, please contact the Berlin Senior Center at 920-361-5422.

The Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) will be able to help with: (call toll-free 1-877-883-5378)

  • Questions on household help
  • Information on Home Healthcare
  • Homebound meal deliveries
  • Veteran transportation needs
  • Aging concerns

Where can I report suspected elder abuse?
Call the Elder Abuse Hotline 920-294-4070.

Handicap Equipment Loans

The Senior Center has a variety of different equipment that we loan out.  Each item is given to the Center on donation and is given out on donation.  Use it for as long or as short as you need it.  All that we ask is that when you are done with it, either return it to the Center or pass it on to someone that needs it.

Items Available Include:

  • Raised Toilet Seats
  • Wheelchairs
  • Transport Chairs
  • Walkers with or without wheels
  • Regular and Support Canes
  • Bathtub and Shower Chairs
  • Crutches
  • Rolling Walkers with Seats
  • Over Toilet Commode

Please contact the Senior Center at 920-361-5422 for availability or for information about making equipment donations.

Friends of the Berlin Senior Center (FOBSCI)

Mission of the Friends:
To give full support to the Berlin Senior Center to actively
involve, enlighten, enrich, and empower the independence
of older adults in our community.

Meets Quarterly: Join the Friends of the Berlin Senior Center for $5.00 per person per year

1.  2018 Installed New Flooring
2. 2020 Installed Handicap Doors

3. 2021 Purchased Chairs for the Card Playing Area

4. 2022 Purchased Convection Oven for Kitchen

5. 2023 Purchased Milk Cooler for Kitchen

6. 2023 Purchased Cabinets in Friends Room


Current Projects
1.  Cribbage Tournament April 20th
2.  Senior Center Picnic August 8th

Donations:  Are always accepted and appreciated. The Friends of the Berlin Senior Center received approval for tax exempt status 501(c)(3) from the Internal Revenue Service on September 26, 2008

Your tax deductible contributions can be mailed to:

Friends of the Berlin Senior Center
Berlin Senior Center
142 Water Street
Berlin, WI  54923

Hall Rental

The Berlin Senior Center is available for rental!  For availability, questions or to book, please call 920-361-5422.

Newsletter INSIGHT

Every month our Center produces a newsletter to keep you up to date on what’s happening here. It includes all kinds of helpful information including upcoming trips, the month’s menu for meals, times and dates of classes and activities available for joining, as well as other helpful tidbits. Please feel free to browse this month’s INSIGHT.  Hard copies are available for pick up at the Senior Center.


Nutrition / Meals on Wheels


Berlin Senior Center is a Green Lake County elderly nutrition meal site program through the Older American Act.

Nutritious and delicious meals for seniors are served each weekday at noon.

We offer meals daily at noon for those 60+ for a contribution of $5.00 per meal.  Please call for the price for those under the age of 60.

Below is important information about our meal program:

  • Please call the day before to sign up for meals 920-361-5422.
  • All meals are cooked on-site by paid staff with the help of volunteers.
  • Homebound meals are available for seniors in the Berlin area. Please call Green Lake County Health and Human Services at 920-294-4070 for more information.
  • We do not cook special meals for those guests with dietary restrictions. Please contact Berlin Hospital for information about meals for people with special dietary restrictions. We do, however, have sugar free dessert substitutes for our diabetic guests.

Support Groups

  • Veterans Socialization Group meets every 2nd Tuesday at 10:30a.m.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous for Kids:  Light Stepping ACA meets every Friday at 6:00 p.m.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous for Adults meets every Friday at 8:00 p.m.
  • Eyes Have It (low vision group) meets every 3rd Wednesday at 9:30 a.m.


Tax Assistance

The Berlin Senior Center will not be offering tax assistance through AARP this year.  Instead, it will be through CAP Services.  Please call 1-800-660-5430 for more information.


The Berlin Senior Center offers transportation services for any destination that will promote senior independent living including:

  • Shopping
  • Errands
  • Beauty parlor or barber
  • Doctor’s visits

Below is important information about our transportation program. If you have questions, please call us at 920-361-5422.

  • Transportation services are available Monday through Friday from 8:00am – 10:30am & 1:30pm-4:00pm.
  • Transportation services are funded in part through 85.21 Specialized Transportation Grant and 5310 WisDOT Grant.  Transportation services are fee-based.
  • Co-Payment for in-town trips are:
    • Round Trip $2.00
    • Please call for out of town costs
  • Our vehicle is handicap accessible.
  • We also offer medical transport to nursing homes.
  • We will shop for the homebound.
  • Reservations are required
  • We do NOT transport medical emergencies. Please call 911 for medical emergency transportation

Interested in helping fund the transportation program?  Dough for Departure is a donation based program that keep people moving from point A to point B!  To make a donation or for questions, stop by the Senior Center

The City of Berlin Senior Transportation Program operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, national origin, disability, sex, age, religion, income status or limited English proficiency (LEP) in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and related nondiscrimination authorities. For more information on the City of Berlin Senior Transportation Program civil rights program, ADA obligations, and the procedures to file a complaint, contact Rebecca Bays, or at 920-361-5422 (for hearing impaired, please use Wisconsin Relay 711 service


The Complaint Form and Complaint Log is the same for Title VI and ADA.

Title VI Information and Complaint Form

Reasonable Modification Policy

Reasonable Modification Request Form

Volunteer Opportunities

The Senior Center is always looking for volunteers.  Do you have some spare time? We are in need of some wonderful people with free time to give. We have indoor and outdoor projects waiting for you, whether it is volunteering at the desk, answering phones, helping keep the garden vibrant, or even presenting on a place visited! If you have a craft, hobby, or skill you’d be willing to teach, we would love that too! Come share with us.

Contact us at 920-361-5422 today!

Have you ever wondered who to contact for what at Green Lake County?  Look no further!  Check out the web diagram below for information.  Anyone on the diagram can be reach at 920-294-4070 or though the county website.

Green Lake County Staff